
Christmas Day

Meditation for the Christmas Day The Word became Flesh Welcome to this meditation for Christmas Day. It is the fifth in the series of meditations I’m offering through Advent, Christmas and Epiphany.  This offers about half an hour of focussed  prayer and reflection to help you mark this season, and prayerfully be attentive to God.  […]

Advent 4: Waiting with Expectancy

Meditation for the 4th Sunday of Advent Waiting with Expectancy Welcome to this meditation for the fourth Sunday of Advent. It is the fourth in the series of meditations I’m offering through Advent, Christmas and Epiphany.  This offers about half an hour of focussed  prayer and reflection to help you mark this season, and prayerfully […]

Advent 3: Waiting with Humility

Meditation for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Waiting with Humility Welcome to this meditation for the third Sunday of Advent. It is the third in the series of meditations I’m offering through Advent, Christmas and Epiphany.  This offers about half an hour of focussed  prayer and reflection to help you mark this season, and prayerfully […]

Advent 2: Waiting with Longing

Meditation for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Welcome to this meditation for the second Sunday of Advent. It is the second in the series of meditations I’m offering through Advent, Christmas and Epiphany.  This offers about half an hour of focussed  prayer and reflection to help you mark this season, and prayerfully be attentive to […]

Beyond the Empty Tomb 6: Saul on the Damascus Road

Podcast Script Listen to the podcast here 31 May: Acts 9.1-19 Saul on Damascus Road   Welcome to ‘Beyond the Empty Tomb’ Weekly podcasts providing a led meditation on the Resurrection Appearances of Jesus. Today’s Resurrection appearance is from acts 9.1-19: Jesus appears to Saul on the Damascus Road. The symbol I suggest you […]

Beyond the Empty Tomb 5: Breakfast on the Beach

Podcast Script John 21.1-19 Unfortunately my script has gone to the great data scrapheap in the sky for reasons I can’t fathom, though I do realise I should have saved the document before it evaporated from my computer desktop! Listen to the podcast here Reflections The challenge with this passage is which bit to […]

Beyond the Empty Tomb 4: Thomas

Podcast Script Listen to the podcast here John 20.24-29 Thomas Welcome to ‘Beyond the Empty Tomb’ Weekly podcasts providing a led meditation on the Resurrection Appearances of Jesus. Today’s Resurrection appearance is from John 20 Jesus appears to Thomas, the disciple who had asserted he would not believe in Jesus’ resurrection until he had […]

Beyond the Empty Tomb 3: Mary meets her risen son

Podcast Script Listen to the podcast here May: Jesus and his mother Mary Welcome to ‘Beyond the Empty Tomb’ Weekly podcasts providing a led meditation on the Resurrection Appearances of Jesus. Today’s Resurrection appearance is Jesus appearing to his mother, Mary.  There is no direct scriptural mention of this resurrection appearance, but recognition of this happening goes […]

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