Soul Spark 2
I have been asked several times over the years about ‘Soul Spark 2’ and my stock answer is – if you found the process useful – then you have enough to take this further yourself!!
By this I mean that a group could easily do the prayer and the sharing parts together – by a member of the group bringing something for the focus of the prayer time – a passage of scripture, poem, picture, quotation… the possibilities are multiple! Then to give time to that and then share together how that went in the usual Soul Spark way. The third part of a Soul Spark session is by no means the most important part and can be abandoned without too much loss. I know a number of groups that have continued in this vein for some time.
Some other alternatives could be
a) Helpful Habits – again published by Grove Spirituality which is another short course exploring the practicalities and experiences of developing a more contemplative prayer life. There is a common background to Soul Spark but looks at nurturing personal prayer life – so the group work involves reflecting and sharing on how things have gone in putting approaches into practice between meetings.
b) Using other books, like
- Landmarks by Margaret Silf
- Taste and See by Margaret Silf
- Creating a Life with God by Daniel Wolpert
- An Ignatian Book of Days by Jim Manney
- Dust and Glory by David Runcorn
and using small chunks of them for a bit of input at the end of a ‘Soul Spark 2’ session. What this won’t do is create a link between the prayer and the input. But the input is the least important thing in the Soul Spark type process! I am convinced that spending time seeking to be open to God in prayer and then sharing and listening to the experience of this is what results in spiritual growth and transformation.