John 10:10
At the end of the day we often find ourselves mulling over events and experiences.
This short period of reflection which can be done at any time builds on that natural tendency. But most importantly, instead of making our own judgement and analysis, we ask God to show us » to bring to our consciousness how the Creative Spirit has been working in the experiences of our lives.
Spend as long as you want with this.
Let yourself feel what you felt – it may help to express it – feel what you feel.
Where did that mood or feeling come from?
Where did that mood or feeling take me?
Did it feel a creative movement/life giving?
Did it lead to life denying actions/behaviour?
What underlying attitudes are being revealed to me?
I ask God for what I need and want
NB: Resist the voice of your inner critic – let God show you all the nudges to greater life in the glorious imperfect human being that you are!