Resources accompanying the Grove Book:
Ignatius of Loyola (S130)


These webpages accompany Nick Helm’s Grove Book on Ignatius of Loyola. This can be bought direct from Grove here, or from Amazon here.

Ignatius lived from 1491-1556 and was one of the significant spiritual guides of his time, particularly through his ability to guide people into deeper relationship with God through his ‘Spiritual Exercises’. He, with close friends founded the Society of Jesus – the Jesuits.

The Grove Book ‘Ignatius of Loyola: A guide for Spiritual Growth and Discipleship’ seeks to offer insights as to how Ignatius’ wisdom is helpful and relevant to growing in faith and following Christ today.

These pages offer access to additional resources to go alongside the book with particular resources for each chapter. There handouts that I have prepared and used in working with people on Ignatian Spirituality, as well as links to books and online video clips. Please use them as far as they are helpful to you.

Nick Helm

Contents of the book

Chapter 1: Discovering Ignatius

Chapter 2: Ignatian Prayer

Chapter 3: An Exercising Journey

Chapter 4: Discernment on the Way

Chapter 5: The Discerning Guide

Chapter 6: Spiritual Growth and Christian Discipleship Today



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