Blog Posts

Taking a deeper Look
Noticing God at work in our accompanying A day for Spiritual Directors organised by the Exeter Diocese Spirituality Network As we accompany others as Spiritual Directors

‘All Shall be Well’ A Quiet Day with Julian of Norwich
A Quiet Day with Nick Helm Julian lived an age of the black death and social and ecclesial upheaval. In the midst of this she

Discernment in Spiritual Direction
Looking into the Well! Discernment in Spiritual Direction A day to explore the nature of discernment in Spiritual Direction drawing upon Ignatius of Loyola’s wisdom on discernment

Holding Discerning Space
Holding Discerning Space…… Following the ‘Holding Space’ programme in 2021, Rachel Overton and Nick Helm are offering ‘Holding Discerning Space’ in June 2022. We use the term

Soul Spark Interview
The Grove Book is now out of print, but interest in the course remains. (If you are interested in a digital version of the book

Cycles of Grace in a Driven World
Online Seminar Reflection points can be downloaded by clicking here Presentation Slides can be downloaded by clicking here. David Adam explores the season cycle in ‘Tides