Leaflet on Prayer
The Retreat Association (www.retreats.org.uk) publish a range of leaflets about prayer and retreats. Their leaflet on prayer is particularly helpful for Weeks of Accompanied Prayer. You can download it by clicking on this link.
The Retreat Association (www.retreats.org.uk) publish a range of leaflets about prayer and retreats. Their leaflet on prayer is particularly helpful for Weeks of Accompanied Prayer. You can download it by clicking on this link.
Week of Accompanied Prayer – Participant Evaluation We would value your feedback from you on your experience of the Week of Accompanied Prayer. This is valuable for the team in appreciating everyone’s experience. It is valuable for the accompaniers to learn something of how their accompaniment was received. It is also valuable for us in […]
Countdown to Prayer 7 Web Resources to enrich your prayer life www.sacredspace.ie daily prayer and reflection using a scripture reading for the day www.24-7prayer.com encouraging prayer www.approachestoprayer.info plenty to explore www.prayingincolor.com using doodles and colouring to enable your prayer. www.thykingdom.co.uk Anglican initiative to encourage prayer and praying for people to grow in knowing God www.trypraying.org encouragement […]
After the Week of Accompanied Prayer… … Tips for the Future Remember that whatever happened for you this week, whether it was exciting or disappointing, a deeper awareness of God’s love, or a searching for his will, a struggle or a joy, or a mixture of any or none of these – it was real. […]
The Visit of the Wise Men (Matthew 2 verses 1-2 and 9-11 NRSV, v9 adapted) 1 In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, 2 asking, “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed […]
Reviewing the Daya prayer of discernment “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full” John 10:10 At the end of the day we often find ourselves mulling over events and experiences. This short period of reflection which can be done at any time builds on that natural tendency. But […]
Reviewing my prayer … … talking as with a close friend Prayer and our conversation with God Giving time to prayer is engaging in a process that takes us deeper into relationship with God. In this leaflet we offer some important tools in which the active prayer can be taken further and deeper. Having given […]
Team Resources for Weeks of Accompanied Prayer Role of Accompanier Our first task in approachinganother personanother peopleanother cultureanother religion is to take off our shoesfor the place we areapproaching is holy. Else we may find ourselvestreading on another’s dream. More seriously still, we may forget…that Godwas there before our arrival. Max Warren, General Secretary Church Missionary […]
Imaginative Contemplation of Scripture Imaginative Contemplation of Scripture In imaginative contemplation, we enter into a life event or story passage of scripture. We enter into the passage by way of imagination, making use of all our senses. Theologians tell us that through contemplation, we are able to ‘recall and be present at the mysteries of […]
Praying the Scriptures a bigger story meets our own God reveals the story of relationship between the Creator and the created in many ways – it is a revelation which is on-going. The Bible is a very particular record of how human beings have met the God of life in their own life experience. The […]