
The Prayer Life of a Priest: Juggling Prayer and Action

You can download the handouts from this event for the Curates of the Hereford Diocese here: The opening exercise: Considering my praying Eugene Peterson’s critique on the nature of pastoral ministry in the US: Quote from Working the Angles Handout with the points from Henri Nouwen’s ‘In the Name of Jesus’, Five approaches to prayer in ministry, […]

Ignatian Discernment

Outline Plan for the Day 10.00 Welcome / Introduction, Reflection, Some basics of Ignatian Discernment, Desire & Attachment 11.15 Space for reflection & refreshment 11.40 Consolation & Desolation, Recognising My Experiences of Consolation & Desolation 12.30 Lunch break 1.30 Responding to Consolation & Desolation 2.00 Space for reflection 2.30 Practicing Discernment – Images, Praying with […]

Discernment in Spiritual Direction

Looking into the Well! Discernment in Spiritual Direction A day to explore the nature of discernment in Spiritual Direction drawing upon Ignatius of Loyola’s wisdom on discernment in the Spiritual Exercises, and then look at how this plays out in the dynamics of a Spiritual Direction relationship.    Downloadable Resources:  Consolation-Desolation Presentation Slides (pdf) All quotes from the […]

Cycles of Grace in a Driven World

Online Seminar Reflection points can be downloaded by clicking here Presentation Slides can be downloaded by clicking here. David Adam explores the season cycle in ‘Tides and Seasons‘  My book ‘Ignatius of Loyola: A guide for spiritual growth and discipleship‘ includes a greater description of the cycle of the spiritual exercises. David Runcorn’s ‘Touch Wood‘ includes […]

Introducing Ignatian Spirituality

Resources to accompany this online programme: Presentation Slides – pdf Praying the Scriptures Imaginative Contemplation Flower of Me Resources on Discernment Some Books on Ignatian Spirituality ‘Landmarks’ by Margaret Silf. (DLT) This is a wonderful book taking one on a journey of deepening faith and finding God in all our experiences. ‘God of Surprises’ by […]

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